With the 24-minute narrative short film, Matter of Time, Seattle-based production company swimteam join forces with hip-hop musician T.J. Bell, aka Campana, to create their most ambitious collaboration to date. Matter of Time follows a young Black...
Nous Alpha – “For Hollow” Music Video directed by Paola Oloa When curating music videos for their forthcoming album, Walk in the Woods, the musical duo Nous Alpha drew on the artistic expertise of four artists who had previously...
Sunny in its disposition and rich in primary colors, s.e.c.r.e.t.s.’ music video for “toki” combines fashion, dance, and creative video editing into a playful swirl of distortion. Featuring dancer and fashion designer Ryan Boyle as...
Shot on a secret location in Colima, Mexico, the music video for “Dreamz” by Portland band Night Heron draws inspiration from the natural world to create a lush and colorful dreamscape. Citing mythologically-minded scholar Joseph...
In the animated music video for “Isekai (Accidental Spirals),” a hypothetical date goes so wrong that one of its participants would rather disengage from reality and fall into an alternate space-time altogether. Featuring music by...
Over the course of sixteen eye-popping minutes, the music video for “Self Help,” a recently released track by Portland electronic musician Avola, takes viewers on a tripped out textural journey through a 3D-animated multiverse. Animated...
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) 2021 runs virtually from April 8 to 18 this year and features 220 films from 69 countries! Given its broad range, REDEFINE has done the hard work of sifting through the catalog for you, with a focus on...
Seattle writer and director Wes Hurley’s feature debut, Potato Dreams, is at once a colorful pastiche of past memories and an unconventional queer coming-of-age tale. Premiering at