Submissions & FAQ

We have an open submission policy — but please read the FAQ below before submitting.

  • Digital submissions only. Please do not attach files when you message us; any music, art, or press kits with large attachments will be considered spam! Consider linking to an external site such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Dropbox, etc.
  • We cannot guarantee coverage for everyone that sends us material, and we apologize in advance if we don’t respond to your message.
  • All links to files, personal letters, one-sheets, and other information can be mailed to vivian[at]redefinemag[dot]net.
  • You are encouraged to understand what we are about, and feel free to show that understanding in your message! Personalized messages receive priority.



How is REDEFINE pronounced?
The name of our magazine is REDEFINE, which is pronounced, ree-dee-fine, kids! Not Redefined or Redifine or even Ready-Fine (yes, that is an actual pronunciation someone has used). “Redefine” is, in essence, to “define again” aka… re-define. The name of the publication was originally inspired by the Incubus song, “Redefine.” Not sure if that ages well, but it is what it is.

I like your publication. How can we help it grow?
There are a plethora of options; click here to see them all!

Can we send you items for review?
Yes. Please know only a small percentage gets reviewed and an even smaller percentage gets covered.

How do I become a REDEFINE writer?

  • Decide if you really believe in our magazine’s mission and methods of operation, both of which you can read about here;
  • Familiarize your mind with the prospect of receiving minimal pay for your services;
  • Mail your interests, writing samples, taste in art, and cover letter to vivian[at]redefinemag[dot]net;
  • Wait for us to respond!

How do I become a REDEFINE photographer?
We currently are not in need of photographers, unless you are a photographer who can also write (in which case, you will find direction in the previous question).

Are you still a printed magazine?
We’ve ceased regular printings as of 2010, but will have occasional limited run issues. Back copies are available at, and soon in our store.

Are you on social networking sites?
Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –



What are my chances of my music being covered in your magazine?
We are particularly interested in musicians who push the boundaries of the artform and have an interdisciplinary angle. Music videos, musicians who are artists, and musicians with a theatrical or performative bent are more likely to attract our attention. We do not regularly review albums anymore due to bandwidth. Apologies.



What are the chances of my art being covered in your magazine?
We’re a lot pickier about art coverage than we are about music coverage and cover much less of it. Feel free to write us a personal message if you’d like to be interviewed and like what we’re doing, though! Please do not attach large files. A link to your portfolio and socials would be fantastic!



Do you review short films aka film shorts?
Yes, we do. Please inquire via e-mail about submission methods — or send a digital link.

What are my chances of my film being covered in your magazine?
Higher since our reboot in 2020. We now focus more on films and film festivals. Send us your EPK if you have interest in being covered.

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Lizzy Margiotta
10 years ago

Hi there,
Here is a film I created. It’s my directing debut.
I plan to do more films and music videos, and hope to submit them to you.
If you like, please post!


Yuval Nathan
10 years ago

Check out Efrat Ben Zur’s new music video “Robin”, directed by the Grammy nominated directors (Her morning elegance) Yuval and Merav Nathan.
the video was animated with real plants and flowers over black velvet.

Amadou "Tayo" Sow
10 years ago

My name is Amadou Sow but I go by the name Tayo. The music video you’re about to see is visuals behind a song that I believe is a philosophical inquiry into my life. I hope it comes off as both stimulating and entertaining.

– Tayo

Amadou "Tayo" Sow
10 years ago

My name is Amadou Sow but I go by the name Tayo. The music video you’re about to see is visuals behind a song that I believe is a philosophical inquiry into my life. I hope it comes off as both stimulating and entertaining.

– Tayo

Ian C Uren
Ian C Uren
10 years ago

Mirrored Shower’s new single ‘Home For The Brave’ was inspired by the film ‘War Horse’ and commemorates the centenary of WW1 please feel free to view and review…

Clément Faure Videographer

Thank you for helping us promoting our work.

Here is “Inside Two Worlds”

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