In Korean-Canadian filmmaker Jerome Yoo’s debut narrative feature film, Mongrels (2024), Yoo depicts a family attempting to put back the pieces of their broken lives. Building invisible walls between...
Read onAs an immigrant who traversed multiple continents from a young age, self-taught Seattle-based artist Nahom Ghirmay has seen a lot of life. He incorporates his vast multicultural sensibilities into dreamy, color-forward paintings that evoke gentle...
Washington-based painter and artist Rodney King has the appeal of a seasoned pro who’s been honing his craft his entire life – but he only began painting seriously four years ago. Now, King is undergoing an explosive surge in the Seattle...
According to rural Kentucky-based painter Cierra G. Rowe, she doesn’t live in a region of country that is particularly known for its contemporary or challenging art. Yet through many years of using the canvas to work through her own traumas...
Painter and visual artist Soo Hong refuses to stay still. As an artist who constantly challenges herself to experience fulfillment through her artistic practice, Hong’s paintings mirror the fluidity of her subject matter. They are...
In the Hybrid Skin, Mythical Presence exhibit at Seattle Asian Art Museum (SAAM), multidisciplinary artist Anida Yoeu Ali invites guests into a wonderland featuring two of her most iconic art pieces: The Buddhist Bug and The Red Chador. It is the...
On a cloudy day in early April, Black art gallery Wa Na Nari partnered with Black Cinema Collective to showcase a screening of five short films from New York-based Caribbean multi-disciplinary artist and filmmaker Simon Benjamin. The screening took...
Over the course of the past three years, Los Angeles-based Russian-American artist, filmmaker, and illustrator Phillip Gladkov has been working on his first mixed media animated short film, Story of the Sun. In what may be the first birch bark...