Hosted at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute on April 26, the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival celebrated opening night with Songs from the Hole, a powerful and moving documentary film co-written and directed by Emmy-nominated...
By the time one arrives at the half-resort, half-therapeutic center which serves as the main setting for writer-director Meredith Hama-Brown‘s narrative feature film, Seagrass, it’s already quite apparent that the creator’s voice is...
Palestinian filmmaker Yousef Srouji has called himself an “accidental filmmaker.” Divine timing could be another way of interpreting the creation of his first film, Three Promises, which premiered in 2023, amidst Israel’s war on...
“There was, there was not” is a common opening line for Armenian fairy tales. Filmmaker and multimedia artist Emily Mkrtichian adopts this line as the title for her feature debut — a documentary that embeds deeply within the lives...
A multi-platform multimedia project, Future Landscapes approaches climate change in a novel way. At its centerpiece is a documentary short film entitled Invisible Landscapes — which visits sites of energy extraction, agriculture, and...
The 40th Annual Sundance Film Festival takes place from January 18 to 28, with online screenings beginning on the 25th and lasting only three full days. In a record-breaking year, 15,000 short films were submitted to Sundance and only 56 were...
The 40th Annual Sundance Film Festival takes place from January 18 to 28, with online screenings beginning on the 25th and lasting only three full days. In a record-breaking year, 17,000 short and feature films were submitted to Sundance this year...
Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza, declared on Oct. 7 — after Hamas operatives infiltrated Israel and killed an estimated 1,200 people and took over 200 hostage — has provoked earth-shattering headlines emerging on a near-daily basis...