Stencil matrices pasted up on wooden planks and carefully removed selectively = stencil posters. It’s a technique developed by street artists Sten & Lex. It’s a hard to explain unless you see it in action. So… watch this video...
San Francisco artist Ehren Elizabeth Reed is a mixed media artist with some serious focus. All of her works feature the same materials — thread and paper (often in the form of altered books) — and the results are nothing short of...
Pioneer Square’s First Thursday Art Walk is coming up the First Thursday of May 2010, as it tends to do. I recently stumbled across La Familia Gallery‘s promotional tool for their Art Walk openings, and it’s a great idea! I’m...
Chances are, you probably won’t understand most of the words on Ignant, but it’s quite alright. This German blog features consistently outstanding contemporary art, with a focus, it seems, on installation works. Do yourself a favor and...
Venice Is Sinking’s recent release, Sand & Lines, was recorded on the stage of Georgia Theatre in Athens, GA.* This full-length record was made with two microphones and an analog system and was published with no mixing or post-production...
The entire month of May, Kansas-transplant-turned-Seattlite Anna Wetzel has a solo show at Some Space Gallery. Her works generally explore the relationship between human beings and animals, often bringing wild animals up close and personal, where...