“There was, there was not” is a common opening line for Armenian fairy tales. Filmmaker and multimedia artist Emily Mkrtichian adopts this line as the title for her feature debut — a documentary that embeds deeply within the lives...
When I enter the shared studio space of Argentinian artist Hernan Vargas — who presently works out of Casa de Todas Partes, a collaborative venue in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico — I am immediately greeted by large sculptural ceramic objects...
The 12th Annual Seattle Asian American Film Festival 2024 returns virtually and in-person, with an extended online streaming window from February 26 to March 3. Below are narrative, documentary, and experimental short film picks by AANH+PI...
The 2024 edition of True/False, the annual festival of film and music in Columbia, Missouri, features 42 musical acts who perform between February 28th and March 3rd. According to True/False, “Music touches every part of the festival:...
A multi-platform multimedia project, Future Landscapes approaches climate change in a novel way. At its centerpiece is a documentary short film entitled Invisible Landscapes — which visits sites of energy extraction, agriculture, and...
Alaya Dannu is not your average dreamer. With a nearly life-long practice rooted deeply in ancestral dreaming, the transdisciplinary Mesa, Arizona-based artist regularly acquires new knowledge, skills, and insights in her dreams that shape her...