With a name like Justin Gibbens, one might jokingly argue that Gibbens is pre-disposed to making art about wildlife. Strangely, no monkeys have shown up yet in his work, but his latest series, Birds of Paradise, centers around birds and represents...
Don’t be alarmed, folks! The bees aren’t really holing up in telephone booths because they’re dwindling in numbers anyway! This is just the product of California’s Bumblebee at work, turning abandoned phone booths into...
Redefine’s newest featured artist, Jon Strongbow, blends cityscapes with obscure cultural and religious influences to create one-of-a-kind blacklight-reactive works.
Animals from Seattle’s equally adored and underappreciated Woodland Park Zoo are now artists. The Puget Sound Chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) will be hosting a jolly good animal art show at the Art/Not Terminal...
Jeff Koons is a man with a plan. Twenty days ago, a modern art exhibit at Versailles ended, and on display there was a giant glass balloon animal, as shown above. We’ll come back to more about Jeff Koons later on, but for now, people in Berlin...
What would animals do if our positions were reversed? Some might adore us, but others might do what strong>Ericailcane has portrayed in these drawings, which fall somewhere between visions of doom and illustrations belonging in...
In this green day and age, people are constantly trying to find alternatives to paper. Now comes an alternative you may not even have heard of. POOP PAPER. That’s right — paper made of poop. Buffalo poo is the newest star in this...
Alright, this is a bit late, but a late post is better than a non-post, correct? 🙂 Here are some of our favorites from the July 2008 First Thursday Art Walk! Enjoy! 🙂 Bryan Mandronico‘s kooky, sci-fi inspired paintings aren’t just...