In 2014, Yanomami shaman and activist Davi Kopenawa co-authored The Falling Sky, a landmark work chronicling the Yanomami’s Indigenous worldview and warning of the dire consequences of...
Read onIn under an hour of exceptionally dense, well-edited content, Latino Vote 2024 showcases Latine communities across the United States, making sure to prove that the Latine voting block is culturally, ethnically, and politically diverse. Directed by...
Documentarian Cady Voge‘s heart-touching documentary feature film, All We Carry (Lo que llevamos) (2024), offers an extensive look into the arduous journey of refugees and immigrants traveling through Latin America and into the United States...
Hosted at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute on April 26, the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival celebrated opening night with Songs from the Hole, a powerful and moving documentary film co-written and directed by Emmy-nominated...
Is there a connection between Christian Nationalism and the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol? According to evidence laid out in the dizzying documentary film, Bad Faith, the answer is an absolute loud and resounding yes. Culling through...
2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), which started on May 9. Though SIFF has historically been one of the longest film festivals in the entire country, it has since scaled down the duration of its in...
For the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival, Seattle interdisciplinary arts organization LANGSTON portrays an expansive definition of Blackness in film. With stories representing experiences of African Americans, immigrants, those living beyond...
The 12th Annual Seattle Asian American Film Festival 2024 returns virtually and in-person, with an extended online streaming window from February 26 to March 3. Below are narrative, documentary, and experimental short film picks by AANH+PI...