In Korean-Canadian filmmaker Jerome Yoo’s debut narrative feature film, Mongrels (2024), Yoo depicts a family attempting to put back the pieces of their broken lives. Building invisible walls between...
Read onThere are very few moments in life when you know exactly what you’re going to get. With so much uncertainty looming in personal lives and the world at large, it’s reassuring that Xiu Xiu – composed of frontman Jamie Stewart, co-vocalist...
On the music video for her latest single, “Break Me,” Los Angeles-based experimental opera singer and multidisciplinary artist Micaela Tobin wanders through ancient castles and uses light and shadow to carry forth her noise-laden...
Documentarian Cady Voge‘s heart-touching documentary feature film, All We Carry (Lo que llevamos) (2024), offers an extensive look into the arduous journey of refugees and immigrants traveling through Latin America and into the United States...
A narrative feature film co-written and co-directed by Mexican filmmakers Fernanda Valadez and Astrid Rondero, Sujo is a powerful, multidimensional work of art about the forces that keep young Mexican boys under the influence of drug cartels – as...
Based off of writer-director Alika Tengan (Kanaka Maoli)’s 2019 short film of the same name, Moloka’i Bound is an intimate narrative feature film about a man’s return to society, his family, and his community, following his incarceration...
Hosted at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute on April 26, the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival celebrated opening night with Songs from the Hole, a powerful and moving documentary film co-written and directed by Emmy-nominated...
Is there a connection between Christian Nationalism and the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol? According to evidence laid out in the dizzying documentary film, Bad Faith, the answer is an absolute loud and resounding yes. Culling through...