Poor This Will Destroy You. Due to the fact that the band is from Texas, and due to the fact that the quartet play the rousing, crescendo-heavy music that Explosions In The Sky made popular in the United States, TWDY seem to always follow in their...
In a feat of pure wonder, Brooklyn-based quartet Screens have managed to evade the magnetic lure of musical stagnation with their latest album, Dead House. Without adhering too closely to any one genre tag, they pull bits and pieces of influence...
Tickets for the Mogwai show went on sale absurdly early, at least four months or so before the concert rolled around. On the night of the show, there were a few procrastinating individuals milling around the Showbox at the Market desperately looking...
The Maserati and Sleepy Eyes Of Death billing was one of those interesting mashes. Two bands theoretically playing the same broad spectrum of music, but proving that genre tags really mean nothing. These two “post-rock” bands...
There is something magical to be said about a band that can simultaneously make you feel like a boat about to capsize and like the calm within a storm — simultaneously like god with ten outstretched, flailing arms, and like an isolated...
When I think of Asthmatic Kitty, my ears immediately conjure sounds of organic acoustic guitars, beautiful harmonies, and, of course, banjos. Artists like Sufjan Stevens, DM Stith, and The Welcome Wagon all come to mind, but the label’s newest...
An in-depth feature about the Icelandic music scene, with interviews with top Icelandic musicians, and three mixtapes with MP3 downloads and streams.
This mixtape – the second in a series of three on Icelandic music – focuses on indie and instrumental music.