In Korean-Canadian filmmaker Jerome Yoo’s debut narrative feature film, Mongrels (2024), Yoo depicts a family attempting to put back the pieces of their broken lives. Building invisible walls between...
Read onAccomplished Seattle-based writer-director Lael Rogers and producer Megan Leonard have long been making a name for themselves in the Pacific Northwest. Most recently, the creators have embraced genre-based stories, with a focus on horror. Their...
Based off of writer-director Alika Tengan (Kanaka Maoli)’s 2019 short film of the same name, Moloka’i Bound is an intimate narrative feature film about a man’s return to society, his family, and his community, following his incarceration...
2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), which started on May 9. Though SIFF has historically been one of the longest film festivals in the entire country, it has since scaled down the duration of its in...
For the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival, Seattle interdisciplinary arts organization LANGSTON portrays an expansive definition of Blackness in film. With stories representing experiences of African Americans, immigrants, those living beyond...
By the time one arrives at the half-resort, half-therapeutic center which serves as the main setting for writer-director Meredith Hama-Brown‘s narrative feature film, Seagrass, it’s already quite apparent that the creator’s voice is...
The 12th Annual Seattle Asian American Film Festival 2024 returns virtually and in-person, with an extended online streaming window from February 26 to March 3. Below are narrative, documentary, and experimental short film picks by AANH+PI...
The 40th Annual Sundance Film Festival takes place from January 18 to 28, with online screenings beginning on the 25th and lasting only three full days. In a record-breaking year, 15,000 short films were submitted to Sundance and only 56 were...