On If A Band Plays In The Woods…?, the first album from The Philistines Jr. in over a decade, the band continues to play its own brand of modern rock with efficiency. On “Set List Title: Cableguy,” the band begins with an excellent...
As a Chinese artist working in Australia, Ah Xian is a sculptor whose works combine two very traditional mediums to create pieces that are both contemporary and compelling. Ah Xian voluntarily exiled himself from his native China as a response to...
And so another year’s Seattle International Film Festival comes to a close. You might be saying “Hey! You only watched like eight movies? What kind of publication is this?!” Tut tut, readers. We here at Redefine watched a boat load...
"I think the real problem is that people can become so easily fooled by jumping to the wrong conclusions or just oversimplifying things, or trying to find meaning in something that doesn't exist or is meaningless." -- Dave Clifford
This week’s recommended picks! Go to the website for the Seattle International Film Festival for more details. Some Days Are Better Than Others Four Portlanders with different — yet very Portland, Oregon-esque — lives spend their...
Mao’s Last Dancer Director: Bruce Beresford Australia, 2009 Based on his bestselling autobiography, the dramatized story of Li Cunxin escaping from Communist China is not a particularly unique one. Handpicked from a dusty village in rural China, a...
Prince Of Tears is a historical drama directed by well-known Hong Kong film director, Yonfan. A look into 1950s Taiwan, the film documents a young family during an era when Communists — and suspected Communists — were questioned and...
This week’s recommended picks! Go to the website for the Seattle International Film Festival for more details. Between Two Worlds A man returns to his homeland in Sri Lanka — post its 26-year civil war — to discover that the...