The Widow Blades is a concept album based on the disappearance of a woman in a blizzard in 1978.
September 16th, 2011 – Pioneer Square Courthouse, Portland, OR MusicfestNW is a festival unlike most festivals, because most of it takes place indoors. Within the past few years, the good curators have added a stage in downtown Portland, or as...
In Japan, Aokigahara is a forest at the base of Mount Fuji. Both a tourist destination of natural bounty and one of the top suicide sites in the world, it is simultaneously so lush it has been nicknamed Sea Of Trees and so mythologically curious...
The genius of Fuck Buttons has always been the duo’s ability to put sounds on loop — of creating and finding the nuances of that loop, while at the same time redlining the amplifiers into a moving wall of distortion. So when Benjamin...
I enjoy this video to no end, and it alone puts Low up 20,000 points in my book. For starters, IT HAS JOHN STAMOS!!!!!!, looking as fine as ever. The video itself is a throw-back to the days of black and white pictures. A romantic scene takes place...
Glasgow, Scotland’s Errors roam through all landscapes — terrestrial, aquatic, otherworldly, rave-y — in this video for “Magna Encarta”, sometimes with a chicken as their prime focus, and sometimes not. All landscapes...
Poor This Will Destroy You. Due to the fact that the band is from Texas, and due to the fact that the quartet play the rousing, crescendo-heavy music that Explosions In The Sky made popular in the United States, TWDY seem to always follow in their...
In a feat of pure wonder, Brooklyn-based quartet Screens have managed to evade the magnetic lure of musical stagnation with their latest album, Dead House. Without adhering too closely to any one genre tag, they pull bits and pieces of influence...