Confide – Shout The Truth Album Review

I will be perfectly honest and admit to falling into quick judgment before really giving a go at this band. Confide have been one of those groups of guys that I have heard about here and there, but I never really paid close attention to their progress and wrote them off as an Underoath rip-off. Though they are definitely for “fans of Underoath,” as albums often fib about for marketing purposes, there is something to be said for intelligent lyrics alongside instrumentals that you can feel, rather than just hear. It’s all too common for hardcore-influenced bands to fall under a “that-just-sounds-like-noise” category, but I think the guys of Confide may have something here.

They are Christian-rock influenced, and as a result, their schtick and lyrical motivation run in that direction. Shout the Truth has given these Los Angeles based guys some positive press, and after I had a recent run-in with a loyal (and not to mention hostile) fan, it’s clear that they have a dedicated following that appreciates the messages being delivered. Songs like “Can’t See The Forest For The Trees” and “If I Were A Sinking Ship” are both well-organized tracks that are catchy without falling into cliché territory. Two thumbs up for the last track “This I Believe” and its melodic qualities; it shows a different side of Confide than the preceding tracks allow.

To me, hardcore-influenced bands that are able to let up on that droning bass petal and not create repetitive songs pieced around hardcore breakdowns, show true music ability. All that other stuff has been done a thousand times over, but original, catchy guitar rifts and steady-rock oriented instrumentals set these guys apart from the others.


Written by
Kyle Parsons
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Written by Kyle Parsons
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