Watch The Entirety of Marc Bolan’s 1977 TV Show, Marc

A reminder that the world wide web is a wonderful, indulgent piece of technology, you can now stream all six episodes of the television series Marc. Originally airing in 1977, Marc is the pop music show of Marc Bolan, the famed glam rocker whose life was taken in a car crash in the same year the series ran. Featuring a rather glossed over Bolan lip syncing and dancing around stage to his own tunes, it’s a sort of macabre look at an artist not only entering the final days of his career, but of his life too. Marc’s final episode, which features guest star David Bowie performing “Heroes” and a duet with Bolan, actually failed to air until after Bolan’s funeral. The super low cut jumpers, the leopard print, the neon. It was glam rock at its finest, and topped off with backup dance troop Heart Throb, this UK tv show was the epitome of rock and roll at the time. Other guest performances found throughout the episodes include Thin Lizzy, Roger Taylor of Queen, Generation X and The Jam. In a lot of ways, viewing Marc in a contemporary setting employs the sort of twisted voyeurism that plagues the internet, but the show is a fascinating project that would never be greenlit in 2012, and for that historical perspective alone it’s worth diving into. Oh and the music isn’t half bad either. View all episodes via Youtube user VenusDeBurgio.

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Erik Burg
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