Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It...
Read onIn support of Portland's independent radio station, XRAY.FM, Intuitive Navigation DJs (Serious Moonlight and vVv Stardust) have sprung for spring in a soulful and danceable mix that goes from the rainy days into the sunshine.
"It's all about how to live and love and die right, in a world that makes these things so difficult." - Tom Krell, on the What Is This Heart? music video trilogy
July 1st marks the halfway point for the glorious year 2014. This indie R&B mixtape, curated by Portland duo Intuitive Navigation DJs (vVv Stardust and Serious Moonlight) calls for groove-centric celebration to this fact.
To pay proper homage to the musical grandness of 2013 and to usher in the new year 2014, we've once again decided to call upon our tastemaker friends to compile their favorite up-and-comers throughout the Pacific Northwest. Here, Gina Altamura and...
An oasis for mythic musics at SXSW 2013, FEEL YOU is all about creating clarity, harmony and POSI VIBES in an oft-overwhelming week of chaos. Our focus is on music that muddles introspective psychedelia with exuberant dance, so expect revelry and...