Our latest MySpace artist friend with something fun to offer is Louisiana’s Butch Von Dreaux! With an interest in all things detestable, odd, and possibly grotesque, this fine artist / tattoo artist has made it his niche to give an illustrated...
With a name like Justin Gibbens, one might jokingly argue that Gibbens is pre-disposed to making art about wildlife. Strangely, no monkeys have shown up yet in his work, but his latest series, Birds of Paradise, centers around birds and represents...
See Scott paint. Paint Scott, paint. Paint whole new worlds where ninjas fight smiling sushi, clouds are actually ant farms, and E.T. can be found messing around with a mummy. Or Batman. Or a Transformer. The comic artist tickles us pink with his...
Maybe I’m over this whole winter thing. Maybe I’m not getting enough sleep. Whatever it is, though, Julie Doiron sounds the way fresh green grass, cold blue sky, and riding your bike with the sun on your back feels. Most of...
12 Summers Old is the band name. Fitting, because the members sound like they are twelve years old, making music for twelve year olds. I’m not twelve years old. So, to review this seems a bit hard, because now I have to go back to the times...
With his work in magazines like GQ, CMYK, and dozens of others, Dongyun Lee is an illustrator who really knows how to promote his own works. He’s sent us handfuls of postcards through the years, and it’s about time we feature his work on...