On a cloudy day in early April, Black art gallery Wa Na Nari partnered with Black Cinema Collective to showcase a screening of five short films from New York-based Caribbean multi-disciplinary artist and filmmaker Simon Benjamin. The screening took...
For the 21st annual Seattle Black Film Festival, Seattle interdisciplinary arts organization LANGSTON portrays an expansive definition of Blackness in film. With stories representing experiences of African Americans, immigrants, those living beyond...
Over the course of the past three years, Los Angeles-based Russian-American artist, filmmaker, and illustrator Phillip Gladkov has been working on his first mixed media animated short film, Story of the Sun. In what may be the first birch bark...
By the time one arrives at the half-resort, half-therapeutic center which serves as the main setting for writer-director Meredith Hama-Brown‘s narrative feature film, Seagrass, it’s already quite apparent that the creator’s voice is...
Palestinian filmmaker Yousef Srouji has called himself an “accidental filmmaker.” Divine timing could be another way of interpreting the creation of his first film, Three Promises, which premiered in 2023, amidst Israel’s war on...
Still on the first leg of her 2024 national tour, Los Angeles-based British musician Arlo Parks took the stage on March 8, to a sold-out show at Showbox SoDo in Seattle. Released in 2023, The Soft Machine may only be the second full-length album by...