The 39th Annual Sundance Film Festival 2023 returns virtually and in-person, with events taking place from January 19 to 29. REDEFINE presents a shortlist of feature films worthy of mention, due to...
Read onEarly on in What We Left Unfinished, a new documentary from filmmaker and visual artist Mariam Ghani, a man in jeans and aviators strides towards a burning tank in the desert and throws a ruthless punch at the man who set off the explosion...
One pervy frog man gets down in the music video for Weaves‘ “Motorcycle”, where vaguely sexual lyrics turn into an animated tale of a naughty amphibian’s newfound, crotch-heavy love for his newfound motorcycle. This animated short is the product of...
I hear the words “haunting” and “beautiful” used to describe a lot of songs, but to me, this beautiful track by Black Feather, “Razor Blade,” is epic and daring and completely worthy of those two adjectives. Their...