Curated by vVv Stardust & Serious Moonlight of Intuitive Navigation, of Portland’s newest radio station, XRAY.FM — — for PICA (Portland Institute of Contemporary...
Read on"I'm chasing after the next feeling. 'Design' is probably my favorite piece that I have ever written. It's a moment of joy that exists in the anticipation of ecstasy. Which is the better feeling? Both are delicious phantoms that we'll only ever...
As a staff, we all have our own unique musical tastes. Sometimes those tastes overlap stylistically and sometimes they veer off into strange directions galore.
This mixtape is a celebration of that shift in spring lunar energy -- of moving from listlessness into all things pleased, expansive, energized, and increasingly feminine.
Two tracks of electronic music courtesy of Sweden’s Bam Spacey and the mysteriously minimal XXYYXX, with visceral music videos featuring female leads going to excessive lengths to consume in the sexiest way possible. Bam Spacey Swedish...