"There is a kind of sense of falling backward that I think the songs conjure. Or blindly driving your car into a wall. A sense of sadness in all the amazing things in the world." -- Ben Shemie
Vintage black and white clips swirl alongside psychedelic shapes and forms for a bit of a mad scientist sort of feel. Yeah!
antonio martinez Martinez will be showing a 6.5-minute film entitled Near The Egress, which is a compiled stop-motion animation using a series of black-and-white film prints. — jim vecchi Jim Vecchi creates conceptual photographic images which...
Dude, Matt W. Moore has an amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing geometrically patterned book for sale. Please just look at the images below.
"My goal is to use my emotional connection to the metaphysical imagery of Christianity to heighten my ability to articulate the psychological truth of my everyday life."
I’m going to preface this post by saying that I am deeply afraid of zombies. We all have our irrational fears, and mine happen to include being cold, the texture of chalk, and above all else, zombies. So when I say that I absolutely love Nick...
It was the perfect setting for the classic food film, It’s Grits: a sweltering 90+ degree Sunday in a big tent, with everyone fanning themselves with their program booklets, in a venue called the Tobacco Warehouse. It felt like being in the...
Issue #5 of Good Vs. Evil zine features 84 pages of art on the theme of “Man Vs. Metal”! It’s limited to 150 copies. Not enticed? Here are some sample images for your eyes! Artists in the issue include: KOKOFREAKBEAN MICHAELA...