The short West coast tour pairing of Narrows and Retox answered the question, “What happens when supergroups and side-projects collide?” Can each individual entity within the group find...
Read on“This new Russian Circles album is their best one yet,” I said last month for the fourth time in my life to the clerk at Sonic Boom Records. She stared back at me blankly as I gleefully clutched my new copy of Empros and ran home for its...
I’ll admit right off the bat that this might not be the most unbiased review. As a massive fan of the heavy monstrosity that was Botch, any CD with a sticker that says for fan of Botch or any band featuring ex-members of Botch will find its way into...
I’ve got to give to Arms Exploding. They have a creative name, mainly because I cannot think of anything of what the image of an arm exploding actually conjures. And maybe that is what the band is aiming for on its debut album, Ruminari. A bi...
"I want people to pick up Enter or our new record, and say, 'What the hell are they going to do next?" -- Dave Turncrantz