With BAD PREMONITION, Canadian Columbian artist Valerie Teicher Barbosa, also known as Tei Shi, returns powerfully with a 6-track EP that heralds her return to self and her origins as an independent...
Read on"I truly believe that whatever an individual gets out of a particular piece of art is far greater than anything the artist could have intended." -- Quinn George
Occult symbols aren’t taken too seriously in this video for Nite Jewel’s “One Second Of Love”, which combines dance (complete with floor moves) with a pop-and-locking, gyrating calavera-headed creature. At the breakdown, all...
Sebastian Blanck’s Alibi Coast is a folk album with an intimate feel. Blanck’s vocals are heavily doubled in an attempt to sound harmonized and choral (think: Fleet Foxes). As the album plays, the songs begin to melt together, making...
"We try to make our records sound like our live show." -- Jonny Bell