In 2014, Yanomami shaman and activist Davi Kopenawa co-authored The Falling Sky, a landmark work chronicling the Yanomami’s Indigenous worldview and warning of the dire consequences of...
Read onAlaya Dannu is not your average dreamer. With a nearly life-long practice rooted deeply in ancestral dreaming, the transdisciplinary Mesa, Arizona-based artist regularly acquires new knowledge, skills, and insights in her dreams that shape her...
Dreaming: that thing we all do every night, whether or not we remember it, like it, or can make any sense of it. Through most of human history, dreams have played a central role in shaping daily life. And yet, many of us rarely talk about dreaming...
Portland avant-pop musician Jesse Carsten, aka Half Shadow, constantly seeks ways to express his dreamy interior world and simultaneously bring listeners into his. Hailing from his upcoming record, At Home With My Candles, the black-and-white music...
Shot on a secret location in Colima, Mexico, the music video for “Dreamz” by Portland band Night Heron draws inspiration from the natural world to create a lush and colorful dreamscape. Citing mythologically-minded scholar Joseph...
Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It does not shy away from the spiritual nor the...
Photography by Claire Finucane We are said to dream on any given night, even if we fail to remember its contents. For the inaugural performances of Arya Davachi’s immersive theatre piece, Rough Sleeper, a woman polls us before we enter the...
“Pop music shouldn’t always get a bad rap,” says Top Pops!, a recurring selection of indie pop highlights across a selection of styles, updated every month to keep you on your dancing toes. This month, we rope in a lot of notable artists with new...