On a cloudy day in early April, Black art gallery Wa Na Nari partnered with Black Cinema Collective to showcase a screening of five short films from New York-based Caribbean multi-disciplinary artist...
Read onThe 12th Annual Seattle Asian American Film Festival 2024 returns virtually and in-person, with an extended online streaming window from February 26 to March 3. Below are narrative, documentary, and experimental short film picks by AANH+PI...
Headlining multiple days of sold out shows, Jamaican-American musician Masego is partway through his national “You Never Visit Me” tour, named after the single on his latest self-titled, full-length record. On March 18, he took the stage...
In the recent past, the term “new media” has grown to encompass artists who work in any sort of digital medium. Under that blanket term, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been gaining traction in many techno-social...
>When it's summer, I want to hear blisteringly hot dance numbers or mellow jams from the torrid regions of the world. I've based this mix on artists from Latin America and the Caribbean; some of it's hot, some of it's mellow, and all of it is good...
"You talk about the mystic quality to [the record], and you go [to Jamaica], and that's everywhere." -- M. Geddes Gengras
Sun Araw + M. Geddes Gengras + The Congos RVNG INTL‘s FRKWYS series is a humble homage to the sounds of yore, with even its name serving homge. “In typical Rvng fashion,” they write on their website, “add an E and a couple As...
This REDEFINE staff-curated mixtape crosses continents and countries -- from Cambodia to England, from India to Ethiopia -- to bring you psychedelic sounds for the comedown.