School Days With A Pig is a film that begins initially with a delightfully cute premise yet veers into the territory of issues such as morality and death. Teacher Mr. Hoshi, played by Satoshi Tsumabuki, introduces to his class of sixth graders a...
A journey to the sea sometimes is a ritual — an escape from the responsibilities and tribulations that lurk around every corner in the big cities. For school kids, a trip to the sea is almost a requirement for the perfect summer vacation. For...
Japan Cuts is in full swing in New York City, from now until July 13th! This must be the Japan-lover’s biggest orgasmic festival, with over 60 shorts and 18 full-length films. Here’s Motomichi‘s trailer. And hey, while we’re...
At first glance, Paprika is a stylish sci-fi detective thriller that uses dreams as a reason to explore the limits of animation. The visuals are exhilarating and titillating based on any level of criteria. But while many would be quick to write this...
"There are a lot of things you can capture in painting a woman that you can’t necessarily capture when you’re painting a man." -- Lucas Vidana