"The original concept was that the music video would become almost like an art film. Something powerful, dramatic and theatrical, drawing on my research into psychoanalytical theories revolving...
Read on"The denser the number of events a second, the more we lose the facts itself, gaining objectivity but losing humanity." -- Gabriele Ottino
Belgium’s Antilux and bizarre songwriter Kirin J. Callinan command your attention with highly dramatic presentations and plenty of guitar distortion. (Callinan’s music video is NSFW.) Antilux Belgium’s Antilux are pulled...
"If we really open our eyes, we’ll notice poverty cycles, human trafficking, boredom, anger, forgotten humans... etc.... all around us. I’m not saying that’s all there is to life, and that’s why I usually contrast the dark side with something light...
"What's important is being a good person and tending your own garden as responsibly as you can." - Benoit Pioulard
"The training I received as as an illustrator emphasized the importance of aesthetic versatility. The way something is illustrated can have a big impact on the narrative. A lot of my technical work focuses on the tangibility of aesthetic."
"It's always exciting to enter new territory, having no idea what might happen."