Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame Directed by Tsui Hark and starring Andy Lau, Li BingBing, Carina Lau China, 2010 Loosely based on the adventures of historical figure Di Renjie, Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame is...
Directed by Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjärne Nilsson Sound Of Noise is labeled as a black humor and oddball action film, which it is. More than anything, though, it is a music film – one which celebrates and pays homage to experimental music, as...
Atelier Ciseaux this is some kind of singing music. The kind you can never really sing. The one that can fascinate the waves. Ghosts, earthquakes, vinyls, screen-printed but always. A dvd-r and tapes.
On a Tuesday night in San Francisco, I wandered to Great American Music Hall, alone, having been told I would only have a ticket for myself. This turned out to be untrue. But with the man at will call telling me that my guest needed to be present...
Do these concertogers look a little bit like your average Seattlite at an indie rock concert? Bored out of their minds? Glassy-eyed and yawning while pretending to stay focused? Perhaps… Apparently, though, according to Colourmusic, the key is...
tUnE-yArDs’ new video for “Bizness” off her upcoming album, w h o k i l l, combines manic editing tricks, modern dance, and lipsyncing by young students pretending to be Merrill Garbus. These elements themselves are nothing new...
With an unrelenting feel-good sound, canny lyrics and a frontman with a history of being a traveling troubadour, Sonny And The Sunsets could without a doubt be transported a few decades back and fit in as comic book and cartoon show with the likes...
Underneath all the dingy guitars, waves of static, and unavoidable comparisons to ’90s indie rock bands like Sonic Youth and Pavement, the self-titled, debut album from Yuck offers the simple beauty of an even earlier era when rock was made to...