This amazing summertime jam — appropriately titled “In The Summer” — is a spastic ass creation shot on a Canon 7D, featuring a giant globe of a man and rainbow-colored whirling dervishes whirling around anything they could...
Dogs are the name of this game, with dogs reflected in sunglasses and dogs licking earlobes galore. I’m not entirely sure how the chaps in this video can stand having puppies make out with their peanut buttery necks, but it’s okay...
Kitties in trees! Kitties with glasses! Kitties playing keyboards! So much adorable I don’t even know how to handle it! Anke Weckmann’s sweet illustrations are pretty much perfect.
It’s not the best quality video, but it seems intentionally campy, like a stop-motion animation founded on webcams or point-and-shoot cameras. The resulting video for “Brett Easton Ellis Novel” (one has to wonder, did they really...
The film-this-band-in-a-room music video aesthetic has grown tired through the years, and it’s rare to find a garage rock video these days that can hold much attention. Leave it to the Scandinavians, who’ve been blowing up the music...
And so another year’s Seattle International Film Festival comes to a close. You might be saying “Hey! You only watched like eight movies? What kind of publication is this?!” Tut tut, readers. We here at Redefine watched a boat load...
When 11-year-old Paloma (Garance Le Guillemic) decides that she wants to commit suicide on the date of her next birthday, she has 165 days left to go. By viewing her mother, who talks to house plants, and her father, who is well-intentioned but has...
Space Labias and complete ridiculousness.