Fernando Perdomo returns in progressive-rock meets pop-rock style with Dreaming In Stereo’s second album, aptly titled Dreaming In Stereo 2. All of the tracks on this sophomore effort make allusions to other popular rock bands of the last 50...
Listening to Scattered Trees’ latest album, Sympathy, has been a curious experience for me. The same disc, under different settings and different circumstances, has been at times nerve-wracking and at times wonderful.
"Art will last forever; it doesn't die with us, and music doesn't die with us. It has a magic to it that I love, and creating something that way makes me feel that life doesn't just slip through my fingers... and that it is not just day after day."
It is my belief that to comment thoroughly on an album, it takes at least five full, uninterrupted listens within a 10-day period. Appropriately, I am sitting down to write my comments on Original Sin, the 2011 INXS reinvention/ tribute album, after...