Launderette is a short film that takes place in a laundromat — a place that can feel stale and depressing, yet always seems to capture a strange charm when viewed through a lens. UK director Bertie Telezynski‘s short film, with...
For four more days, the works of Paula Stokes will be on display at the Shift Studio! A glass artist as well as printmaker based in Seattle, Stokes likes to explore human nature and psychology in her pieces, using the relationships among line...
On first glance, it might be easy to write off the work of Seattle artist Jane Lackey as mumbo-jumbo, but when one studies the materials she uses, her interests in neuroscience, genetics, and speech patterns, pieces like those from the above series...
To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit organization that talks to and raises money for young adults suffering from depression, thoughts of suicide, and self-injury.
I’m sad to say that this was my first year attending Artopia in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood, but I now wholeheartedly back the event, which is full of shenanigans, music, and of course, art. And to my pleasant surprise, a lot of...
GARDE RAIL – FOLK POP! EXHIBIT Garde Rail really crafted an amazing exhibit this time around, featuring a good group of artists with varying styles. The gallery did find them to be quite harmonious, however, and fit them all into a new...