For the seventh installment of Scion’s Art Tour, Matt Goldman — former Senior Art Director for Shepard Fairey’s Studio Number One — has put together a hilariously brilliant...
Read onI guess it seemed only inevitable that Vice Magazine and Scion (purveyors of some pretty rad multi-disciplinary art shows these days) would converge on a project, and that they have. August 14th through September 4th, The 2010 Vice Photo Show will...
Because Americans aren’t obsessed enough with food already, Scion has an upcoming show (May 22nd through June 12th) curated by Zio Fulcher. It will be taking place in Culver City, with free valet parking (fancy!) and an open bar (fancier...
Scion Installation 5: Self Portrait Philadelphia Preview from Scion ART on Vimeo. Whoever is Scion’s Art Director or Head of Marketing is a genius. They always manage to sponsor extremely innovative art events to appeal to an audience that, in...