By way of Chicago, illustrator and printmaker Yewon Kwon landed in Seattle in late 2020, in desire of a lifestyle change and a chance to be closer to nature. A nonbinary artist of Korean heritage...
Read onGrimy, grimy, grimy! The new issue of Blood Becomes Water features work from Leah-Jade Connolly, Oliver Donnet, Rosie Eisor, Jaime Martinez (< crazy interesting website; I would recommend it), Kate Yang Nikodym, Raya Rayax, Iliyan Ruzhin, and Sam...
Okay, so the opening has come and gone, but you should still check out a new exhibition at Field Work that is going on from now through March 7th! Go anytime from 12:00pm to 6:00pm or from 5:00pm to 9:00pm on March 5th to see a SUPER temporary...
Issue #5 of Good Vs. Evil zine features 84 pages of art on the theme of “Man Vs. Metal”! It’s limited to 150 copies. Not enticed? Here are some sample images for your eyes! Artists in the issue include: KOKOFREAKBEAN MICHAELA...