Say Hi – Um, Uh Oh Album Review

Over the years, and with each new release, Seattle-based Say Hi seemed to lose a touch of its eccentric bedroom-pop quality. The music remained endearing, but was clearly transforming into something more “grown-up.” Luckily, the sole creator behind Say Hi, Eric Elbogen, has managed to bring new life to his project with his latest, entitled Um, Uh Oh.

Listen to “Devils” – DOWNLOAD MP3

The album is a definite step forward in the maturing process, but brings back some of the exuberance of early releases in a mischievous manner.

Songs like the aptly-titled “Devils” contain wicked tones that are fun and sleek. “Sister Needs A Settle” has a sharp edge down to the “uh huh, uh huh, uh huhs” that recall Elvis and his dangerous hip-shaking. The mood gets a little darker on “My, How It Comes,” with mysterious-sounding guitar, piano and a sound which brings up a creepy visual of a loose floor board rattling in a haunted house. Still, though, there is a touch of playfulness in the track that keeps it light.

Say Hi has taken on the recognizable Seattle sound comparable to Pedro the Lion, but Elbogen seems to have found a trunk full of quirky characters to help fill and expand upon his music. These new personas will only allow Elbogen to stand out from other similar artists and even previous Say Hi albums.

Written by
Karla Hernandez
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Written by Karla Hernandez
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