Flying Lotus
Director Kahlil Joseph has put together a nearly 4-minute-long short film that begins with haunting images of violence upon urban youth. That destruction, though, soon turns into liberation via dance and resurrection, with three tracks from Flying Lotus — “See Thru To U”, “Hunger”, and “Getting There”, that feature Niki Randa and Erykah Badu — providing a female-driven backdrop that hints towards the possibility of second chances and better decisions. Until The Quiet Comes will be released October 2nd in North America and October 1st elsewhere.
Shabazz Palaces
Shabazz Palaces’ short film for 2011’s Black Up is longer, at nearly five minutes, and a bit more spastic than the Flying Lotus promo. Its images, which duck out from the grit of New York City into expansive nature, are an excellent visual pairing for the music of Shabazz Palaces, which combines urbanity with organic instrumentation and African influences. It’s no wonder that this film bears resemblance to the piece Kahlil Joseph did for Flying Lotus; he directed this one, also.
Flying Lotus – Until The Quiet Comes (Short Film by Kahlil Joseph)
Shabazz Palaces – Black Up (Short Film by Kahlil Joseph)
Added bonus, though not related to Kahlil Joseph: the music video for Shabazz Palaces’ “Are You… Can You… Were You?”