The video for Diplo & Lunice’s remix of “Helicopter” follows a pretty general creative concept. Clips of people in Moscow doing mundane things — like going to parks with their dogs, driving their cars, coming in and out of doors, and walking with briefcases in hand — are set into slow-motion. Each shot oscillates between forwards and backwards motions, and are loosely synced to the beat of the song.
The concept might sound almost too simple, but each shot is nicely framed, and well-thought-out sequencing helps it flow. As your average person doesn’t pay enough attention the daily subtleties of human actions, having an extra moment to stare at the brim of a police officer’s hat or to count how many yellow balloons are in a shot brings a welcome slowness.
Presented by MAD DECENT –
Video Images from “Slow Moscow” by Andrey Stvolinsky
Directed by The KiD –