"Handwork is not something that needs to be inherently feminine, and I like that idea."
Earlier this year, it was announced that the 619 Building — Pioneer Square’s First Thursday’s most exciting spot — would be closing and its artists forced to relocate. In celebration of this, the recent Art Walks at 619 have...
"It's always exciting to enter new territory, having no idea what might happen."
"Since most art dealing with consumerism seems too matter-of-fact, I want my work to be allegorical, being humorous and visually interesting but imparting a deeper message. Why the hell do we need all this stuff, anyways?"
"Through the chaos, there's a thread."
"[Losing my job] was a blessing in disguise. I was really stressed out when it happened, but it motivated me to work on my art."
"... I'm trying not to turn my back on... the origin of exploration and discovery that I had when I was a little kid. If you turn your back on that, then you're done... you've lost the thing that started it all, that made it beautiful, that made...
"As I got older, I learned that if you can convey a story with an image, then you're good; you're golden."