Caught this duo from Baltimore open for Blitzen Trapper a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I was quite transfixed. Especially cause the drummer Andy Stack plays the keyboards and the drums at the same time! Amazing! Lets not forget that...
I know it is cliche to bring up The Misfits on Halloween, but this video proves that Glen Danzig was much scarier in the 80s then he is now!
Not gonna lie — I find the lyrics to this song quite atrocious, but I’ll let it slide this time, for today is Halloween! I thought it might be a good idea to post a video that captures the spirit of Halloween adequately, and what better...
"In Spain, there comes a moment when my music just can't move on... basically because there's no space or audience for my music. It's as if you have to excuse yourself for dedicating your time to making non-profitable music." -- Hyperpotamus
Stop motion and film come together for a creative expedition that floats across the universe… all without ever leaving a bed. Directed by: Oren Lavie, Yuval ; Merav Nathan Photography: Eyal Landesman Featuring: Shir Shomron www.myspace...
Japan Cuts is in full swing in New York City, from now until July 13th! This must be the Japan-lover’s biggest orgasmic festival, with over 60 shorts and 18 full-length films. Here’s Motomichi‘s trailer. And hey, while we’re...