In Korean-Canadian filmmaker Jerome Yoo’s debut narrative feature film, Mongrels (2024), Yoo depicts a family attempting to put back the pieces of their broken lives. Building invisible walls between...
Read on2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), which started on May 9. Though SIFF has historically been one of the longest film festivals in the entire country, it has since scaled down the duration of its in...
By the time one arrives at the half-resort, half-therapeutic center which serves as the main setting for writer-director Meredith Hama-Brown‘s narrative feature film, Seagrass, it’s already quite apparent that the creator’s voice is...
In its 24th year of programming, imagineNATIVE 2023 champions a program of Indigenous short and feature films from all over the world, as well as industry panels, music events, and much, much more. What’s notable about imagineNATIVE, held at...
I haven’t even stepped foot into the Snotty Nose Rez Kids show, and I already notice a couple things outside the venue. Clearly, the Indigenous fashion is on-point, with beaded earrings and cedar hats aplenty, and the audience is shockingly...
With BAD PREMONITION, Canadian Columbian artist Valerie Teicher Barbosa, also known as Tei Shi, returns powerfully with a 6-track EP that heralds her return to self and her origins as an independent, DIY musician. Her first release since...
Back in-person for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the 13th Annual Seattle Asian American Film Festival (SAAFF) takes place in-person at Northwest Film Forum from February 23 to 26, 2023, and virtually from February 27 to March 5. This...
The 20th edition of the True/False Film Fest runs March 2nd to 5th, 2023, in Columbia, Missouri. Well-known for an emphasis on community over industry — as demonstrated by the beloved annual parade and prevalence of local artists and townsfolk...