Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It...
Read on"My work is all about shifting from the literal to the lyrical, and it's actually a brain shift from one hemisphere to the other." - Anna Homler, on Breadwoman and performance art
John Coltrane once said: “My goal is to live the truly religious life, and express it in my music. If you live it, when you play there’s no problem because the music is part of the whole thing. To be a musician is really something. It...
"The denser the number of events a second, the more we lose the facts itself, gaining objectivity but losing humanity." -- Gabriele Ottino
"I like that ['Fall Into Light' is] left open for interpretation. Maybe it means opening opening up yourself enough to see your true self." - Beca
"Dealing in the macro universe, an extremely wide variety of imagery will present itself in a relatively short amount of time." -- Timothy Leeds
In Midday Veil’s new video for “Moon Temple,” vocalist Emily Pothast has edited source material she and guitarist Timm Mason generated last year during a residency at Experimental Television Center in Upstate New York. At its...
"Tapping back into symbolic power and the mystical meaning of these things is, I think, a really important practice... on a personal level, it's just looking at the inner meaning of things more." -- Taraka Larson