In Korean-Canadian filmmaker Jerome Yoo’s debut narrative feature film, Mongrels (2024), Yoo depicts a family attempting to put back the pieces of their broken lives. Building invisible walls between...
Read onOn the music video for her latest single, “Break Me,” Los Angeles-based experimental opera singer and multidisciplinary artist Micaela Tobin wanders through ancient castles and uses light and shadow to carry forth her noise-laden...
Is there a connection between Christian Nationalism and the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol? According to evidence laid out in the dizzying documentary film, Bad Faith, the answer is an absolute loud and resounding yes. Culling through...
Over the course of the past three years, Los Angeles-based Russian-American artist, filmmaker, and illustrator Phillip Gladkov has been working on his first mixed media animated short film, Story of the Sun. In what may be the first birch bark...
“There was, there was not” is a common opening line for Armenian fairy tales. Filmmaker and multimedia artist Emily Mkrtichian adopts this line as the title for her feature debut — a documentary that embeds deeply within the lives...
Gouache on fentanyl-stained foils. Spend enough time in downtown Seattle, and you might just see visual artist Baso Fibonacci cruising by in his wheelchair. The long-time Seattlelite has lived, played, and worked in the area for well over a decade...
Created by Milisuthando Bongela, Milisuthando (2023) is the powerful documentary feature film which bears the Indigenous South African creator’s name. The appropriately hyper-personal work features often heartwrenching and always candid...
Seattle is a city that wears its Scandinavian heritage proudly, and so it’s only fitting that Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)’s Nordic lineup is such a standout this year. In particular, two films from Denmark, Superposition...