One pervy frog man gets down in the music video for Weaves‘ “Motorcycle”, where vaguely sexual lyrics turn into an animated tale of a naughty amphibian’s newfound, crotch-heavy love for his newfound motorcycle. This animated short is the product of...
The 1980s: that decade of shoulder pads and deindustrialization, was to be a decade of neon-coloured clothing, big hair and financial big bangs; a decade when Frankie Goes to Hollywood said “Relax”, and David Bohm proffered that space...
A review of the Pickathon Music Festival, located on Pendarvis Farm just a short bike ride away from Portland, Oregon, is a tough thing to approach. An honest review will be one of the most favorable things you will read, because Pickathon is one of...
The lingering spectre of Bohemia is alive and well on this Thursday evening, cloistered in a mysterious pocket of SE Portland. This show is an invite-only occasion in a tiny house venue, lit up and resplendent in candle flame and shadow. Four...
Fat White Family Champagne Holocaust Trashmouth RecordsMy first listen of Fat White Family’s debut, Champagne Holocaust, left me thinking of notorious criminal Charles Manson. No sense emerged from this until my thoughts turned to the stark...
As it is every year around this time of year, the music party that needs no introduction is upon us. For SXSW 2013, in addition to our own annual psych and dance-oriented house party (this year’s is called FEEL YOU and comes with a handy-dandy...
Inside this feature are 98 album covers spanning a wide array of sonic and visual styles, each selected for its own unique contribution to the world. They are not ranked; instead, they are broken down into sections based on conceptual underpinnings...
While thousands of miles are covered, some of our favorite jams from friends will send ripples from our ears to your toes and cripple all bummer vibes to a pulp. All bands on this mix are friends, favorites, and/or involved in current or future...