The 40th Annual Sundance Film Festival takes place from January 18 to 28, with online screenings beginning on the 25th and lasting only three full days. In a record-breaking year, 17,000 short and feature films were submitted to Sundance this year...
Created by Milisuthando Bongela, Milisuthando (2023) is the powerful documentary feature film which bears the Indigenous South African creator’s name. The appropriately hyper-personal work features often heartwrenching and always candid...
For journalists at Mvskoke Media, the Muscogee Creek Nation’s only newspaper, November 8th, 2018 was “fucking D-Day.” That was the day that the tribal government voted to repeal the nation’s free press law, right as a...
In its 24th year of programming, imagineNATIVE 2023 champions a program of Indigenous short and feature films from all over the world, as well as industry panels, music events, and much, much more. What’s notable about imagineNATIVE, held at...
Now in its fourth year, the Lynn Shelton “Of a Certain Age” Grant awards $25,000 in unrestricted funds to one woman, nonbinary, transgender, and/or intersex filmmaker over 39 who has yet to make their first narrative feature film. In...
Dreaming: that thing we all do every night, whether or not we remember it, like it, or can make any sense of it. Through most of human history, dreams have played a central role in shaping daily life. And yet, many of us rarely talk about dreaming...
I haven’t even stepped foot into the Snotty Nose Rez Kids show, and I already notice a couple things outside the venue. Clearly, the Indigenous fashion is on-point, with beaded earrings and cedar hats aplenty, and the audience is shockingly...
The first time I saw Seattle photographer Eirik Johnson‘s Leviathan series, I was both transfixed and confused. What exactly was I looking at? One piece depicted great swaths of navy blue, striped with light like layers of sediment. Another...