In Even Hell Has Its Heroes, Clyde Petersen’s feature documentary, the Washington animator and filmmaker opens a mesmerizing, 108-minute portal into the many layers of Earth — the Olympia...
Read onWe’ve finally made it to the bitter end of 2020, and believe it or not, human beings are still making amazing art in the midst of crisis and a pandemic. After a five-year hiatus, our Album Covers of the Year feature is back with a deep dive of...
The idea that the multiverse is more akin to an art project than a science experiment (or an art experiment, if you're so inclined) is one of those Occult themes that typically gets dismissed by both overly scientific and religious types alike, even...
In contrast to modern patterns in music consumption comes our annual Album Covers of the Year feature, where, instead of forgetting album artwork even exists, we hyperextend ourselves to assert that it is an artform that is vitally connected to the...
With wide-reaching arms and hungry ears, each of our writers has compiled his or her top albums of the year, for you to peruse our eclectic, atypical, and only occasionally overlapping tastes. You’d be well-served to check out every single...
Although bands like Nickel Creek, The Barr Brothers, Shakey Graves and Della Mae hearkened back to the Pickathon Festival's old style, a surprisingly rock-heavy lineup was the face of the festival's 2014 version. Bands like The War on Drugs...
Here is a quick summary of GOAT, and the story is meant to be taken with as many grains of salt as possible. GOAT originally hail from Korpilombo, Sweden, from a community that has a history of voodoo worship. At various times, the incarnation of...
Every year, we interview a number of musicians and artists for the intimate details and philosophical underpinnings of their album cover artwork. It’s an ever-massive undertaking, but we make sure to include ever genre, from doom metal to disco...