Directed by Matt Lambert, Austra’s music video for “Habitat” weaves together three tales of human connection into one beautifully-lit cinematic narrative. Set in motel rooms that have been transformed into flowery love chambers...
"My collaboration with [Oliver] Chanarin began with a love of didactic images: images that explain things; how to resuscitate a dying man, or put a chain on your chihuahua, or fall over without hurting yourself. These are images made with a certain...
"A lot of the symbolism is all centered around the ideas of unity and transcendence, death and rebirth, and the infinity of everything. When I first heard the song, I kept seeing this movement of traveling through multidimensional space and...
In this slow-moving dream world, long-time collaborators Kahlil Joseph and Shabazz Palaces focus their eyes on a number of figures inhabiting different spaces: a blue-faced boy sitting on a beach; a figure scampering across a dark room; a strong...
Drawing obvious inspiration from timelessness and less obvious inspiration from Aleister Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck, director Vinyl Williams takes Dub Thompson’s “No Time” and turns it into a multi-level philosophical...
An appropriate follow-up to our feature on Experimental Music on Children’s TV, Nor-Cal powerhouse Merrill Garbus of tUnE-yArDs leads listeners into similar notalgic territories with the music video for “Water Fountain”. With the...
Sometimes words can take on more profound meaning when spoken by complete strangers, and regardless of whether this is the intention behind the music video for Cloud Boat’s “Carmine”, this is indeed the effect. Directed by Chris...
Talk about perfection in voyeurism! This music video for Shy Girls “Voyeur’s Gaze”, directed by Tony Lowe and featuring Chez Deep drag collective’s Bailey Stiles, is a one-take that’s all about the setting. Drawing...