Scottish illustrators Kyle Noble and Jamie Irvine travel the world individually but remain tethered together through the constant exchange of twisted, fantastical comics. Emerging from their...
Read on"Time (and its physical/visual presence) is an ever-present concept in my work, as well as a large factor in crystal growth."
"My intention is to reveal a spectacle of wood, water, light and atmosphere; to share my enthusiasm for these processes and patterns that overlay, harmonize and echo one another."
“Love and light. Everything should be treated with the utmost respect and understanding.” - Arn Gyssels
"There are ongoing themes in my art that involve the clash of technology with the natural world as well as my own human guilt for being a part of that encroachment by default."
With variation in degrees of shading and texture, the black and white watercolor and graphite pieces by Ottawa’s Nimit Malavia seem to be caught in varying degrees of completion. The epic 26 Point Stag, above, seems like a page out of Greek...
UK musicians Amplifier are offering an insane limited edition treatment for their album, The Octopus, complete with silver cover made of KEVLAR, an animation, and a three-disc box set. Limited to 750 copies, below is a sampling of some associated...
"There’s something universal in expressions, but there’s something very much not universal in how we read them, in the way we empathize and connect with each other."