Spectral Hypnosis is a recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. This time: favorite new electronic meanderings from Rival Consoles and...
Read onSeptember 22nd officially marks the end of summer 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere — and to celebrate the passing of time, we’ve decided to create a timeline to forever remember the songs currently trending on our site, as well as take a look back on...
As a staff, we all have our own unique musical tastes. Sometimes those tastes overlap stylistically and sometimes they veer off into strange directions galore.
"In a self-reflexive case of life truly imitating art, I conceptualized an ode to the often solitary, sacrificial existence of devoting one’s every waking moment towards a craft." - ELY
Seattle’s discipline-defying Bumbershoot Festival is annually packed with everything an art-minded individual could want, from comedy and dance to art installations and music. Our festival preview for 2012 pulls from all areas, but has a minor...
REDEFINE magazine has teamed up with two of the West Coast’s largest festivals, Bumbershoot and MusicfestNW, to present Motion & Movement in Music Videos, a pair of complementary panels exploring how dance and movement intersect with...