The opening scene of How To Die In Oregon appears to capture the birthday celebration for an elderly member of a family. But one quickly realizes that this isn’t the celebration of the continuation of life, but the celebration of a man’s...
If you are looking for films from today, Sunday, the 30th, you can see them here. Below are choice picks for the FINAL week of the San Francisco International Film Festival! Get your butt out there. Full festival details and movie listings here...
This week’s San Francisco International Film Festival round-up is quite beefy, so we’re splitting it into two parts! For now, what you can see from Sunday through Wednesday. — Asleep In The Sun This Argentine film evokes the tag...
Unfortunately, El Boy Die’s 2010 release, Black Hawk Ladies And Tambourins, slipped any kind of major coverage on REDEFINE, but this video for “Dead Kings” will have to serve as a primer. A video collage of grainy archival war...
The Good Soldier follows the plight of Sean Roberts, a civilian in the UK who seeks something different in his life. Through a series of events, he finds himself fulfilling his desires by becoming part of a militia — something he’s been...
Now at pun(c)tuation (705A East Pike St., Seattle, WA), are sculptural works by Keith Murakata. The series is heavil centered around comic book character Captain America, who, according to Wikipedia, first appeared in Marvel Comics’ 1940s...
Just wanted to share a painting done by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, of Oscar Grant. This is what Fazlalizadeh had to say about the piece, and about Grant, in general: “This painting is my reaction to the Johannes Mehrsele, a former BART officer...
I’m not going to lie. On the first listen, I thought Seattle’s Wild Orchid Children really laid a huge dud with their new album The Wild Orchid Children Are Alexander Supertramp. It just sounded like a bloodied jumble of hyped-up...