"The curiosity of growth, the growth of perception, and accepting the fact that no matter what, we're still changing, and still growing. Whether we're saying that literally or figuratively is up to...
Read onThere’s something to be said about an album so arcane and compelling that writing an introduction to the review proves paralyzing. Young Circles’ Jungle Habits deserves an amazing lead, a pull-quote worthy of print, but I’m left...
1970’s Yé-yé punk pop? An old genre’s new sub-genre? Even in this, the heyday of music categorizing snobbery that seems to delight fans, bloggers, and YouTube commenters round the globe, The Better Letters aren’t that easy to...
In the back of your mind, there exists a type of music that you’ve always wanted to hear but never seem able to peg down. You want it to be X and Y while still remaining Z. Every person has this formula, whether he admits it or not, for the...
Every time that I listen to Waiting On An Island, I fall more in love with it. This is the first record of the year that is love at first sight for me, and it will definitely be in my personal Top 11 of 2011 and maybe even my Redefine Top Five of...
On a Tuesday night in San Francisco, I wandered to Great American Music Hall, alone, having been told I would only have a ticket for myself. This turned out to be untrue. But with the man at will call telling me that my guest needed to be present...
Long-running outfit, Mock Orange, began as an auspicious post-hardcore band, but over time, they have shifted towards much more musically greener pastures, culminating in 2008’s “Captain Love,” a massively underrated testament to...
Seattle is known for its dreary weather. What Seattle isn’t necessarily known for is the random incredibly clear, sunny, gorgeous days that very sporadically occur in April. The same night I was supposed to spend an evening with The Cave...