SPECTRAL HYPNOSIS A recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. Nguzunguzu On July 3rd, Los Angeles electronic duo Nguzunguzu released their debut record on Hippos In Tanks Records, their...
“Pop music shouldn’t always get a bad rap,” says Top Pops!, a recurring selection of pop music highlights across a selection of styles. Hella indie pop today. YAWN YAWN’s singles are usually joyful celebrations bearing...
“Pop music shouldn’t always get a bad rap,” says Top Pops!, a recurring selection of pop music highlights across a selection of styles. All we need this time is two acts: Austin’s Shmu (1/2 of Zorch) and California’s...
"You talk about the mystic quality to [the record], and you go [to Jamaica], and that's everywhere." -- M. Geddes Gengras
SPECTRAL HYPNOSIS A recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. Hitting the electronic-psych-rock tip today with two bands often loved and supported by REDEFINE — Oakland’s...
When Ty Segall announced that he’d be releasing three albums in 2012, there seemed to be more excitement than skepticism, though the latter is usually the reaction toward most artists trying to pull off such a feat. I’m not sure if that...
“Pop music shouldn’t always get a bad rap,” says Top Pops!, a recurring selection of pop music highlights across a selection of styles. Gardens & Villa We’ve covered these Santa Barbara groovesters quite a bit...
'Trying to 'brand' the band as a business just had no romantic appeal, no energy... I think it often gets in the way of milking the truly transcendent moments that music allows us." -- Jeremy Reineck